Monday, January 19, 2009


By: Margo
You know, when I go to my dashboard, I see the Ballroom blog, with fairly frequent updates. I see the OTD blog, with even more frequent updates. I see the Haven blog, with updates that happen more often than the time it takes to say the Shema Yisroel backwards (anyone else here love Savta Simcha while growing up?). Then I see this Frum blog, with updates more infrequent than the time it's been since I last said Shema Yisroel (well, not really, but in a hyperbolic manner). So I think, and think, and think about what I miss from being frum. The trouble is, I don't miss it. At all. Of course now and then I'll miss something or other, but not often enough to post about it regularly.
However, today, after much effort, a burst of inspiration hit me and I thought of something that I miss!
I miss going OTD! That's part of the life of a frum community, right? People who go OTD.
I've already gone OTD, so I can't go OTD anymore, and I kind of miss that. It felt very intellectually invigorating to attend all those frum classes and dispute the rabbis, challenge everything I heard, talk it over with frum and non-frum friends of mine. It felt freakin' awesome to wear a tank top and pants to the Kotel. Now, I just don't go to frum programs. I don't go to the Kotel (I'm also not in Israel at the moment, which stops me from going, even if I wanted to.) I have better things to do with my life. But that was nice, going OTD. Ah, to be frum again so that I could go OTD again! Lovely thought... :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Recent Thoughts

Okay, my humor's nothing to write home about.

I hope you all don't mind, but I'm going to get a bit more serious here. And yes, I will be turning off comments for now.

My other blog is more of an anti-religious place, while this place can be more pro-religious.

I wanted to discuss reasons why I might want to go back on the derech. No, not to get anyone's hopes up, just to clear my head a little.

Well, I don't believe in God, and I wasn't that happy being frum anyway. However, it's the community I was raised in, and I'm much more familiar with it than anything else. I might even go so far as to say I'm more comfortable there than anywhere else. Maybe.

Mayebe I can be somewhat Orthoprax, and just be a regular frum guy again, with less obligations? Kind of just play the part, without committing too much?

Just thinking.